innovation by discovery
questions for church leaders
Here at State of the Church, we will be talking with pastors and worship leaders. We will focus on interviewing traditional theologically conservative denominational and non-denominational churches in the USA & Canada.
The questions listed below are given to help you prepare for the podcast. If you have other question suggestions, please submit them in the contact section.
What is the size & demographic of your congregation & your community?
Do you sense any Growth numerically and/or spiritually?
How has covid changed your church or the people in the community?
Do you sense a shift happening in the community’s response to Christianity?
What is your strategy for discipleship this year?
Do you have a fellowship with other pastors in your area that are seeking to build God’s church?
How do you practice family worship/leading your family in worship and prayer time at home?
worship leaders
How do you put together your Setlist for Sunday?
How do you flow between songs, (keys)?
What is your process on deciding if a song is beneficial for your congregation at all and then fitting it into the set?
Do you have a band? / is it difficult to get people involved?
What do you do if someone wants to be involved and has no musical talent?
Do you have a dress code?
Have you ever had a difference of opinion or doctrine with your pastor / leadership and how did you navigate that?
How do you practice family worship/leading your family in worship and prayer time at home?